{"id":1715,"date":"2016-11-07T14:42:00","date_gmt":"2016-11-07T14:42:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/naturalwomanworld.com\/?p=1715"},"modified":"2018-04-22T20:29:39","modified_gmt":"2018-04-22T20:29:39","slug":"hormonal-acne-natural-treatment","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/naturalwomanworld.com\/hormonal-acne-natural-treatment\/","title":{"rendered":"Natural treatment of hormonal acne"},"content":{"rendered":"

It’s not impossible to treat hormonal acne!<\/strong><\/p>\n

It might sometimes feel\u00a0like you’ll never get rid of it for good. But once you understand how\u00a0the natural treatment of hormonal acne works,\u00a0you really can get to work clearing it up fast. So let’s take a closer look at how to go about getting rid of your acne.<\/p>\n

First, we need to understand what causes hormonal acne, as it’s by understanding the root cause that we can then work out how to treat it.<\/p>\n

What causes hormonal acne?<\/h2>\n

Quite simply, hormonal acne occurs when your hormones get out of balance.<\/p>\n

This can happen during your menstrual cycle, for example, which is why women often suffer outbreaks of acne around their period.<\/p>\n

During this time, your oestrogen levels decrease and for most women this is accompanied by an increase in the progesterone hormone. It’s this hormone that causes an increase in the amount of oil in the facial pores. This oil then clogs your pores and causes the acne.<\/p>\n

Your hormones can also become unbalanced when you’re stressed and anxious too.<\/p>\n

And a hormonal imbalance can also be caused by a few other factors such as poor diet and digestion, lack of exercise and extreme tiredness.<\/p>\n

Now we know what causes hormonal acne, let’s take a look at how we can treat it naturally…<\/p>\n


Natural treatment of hormonal acne<\/h2>\n

Given what causes it, the key to the natural treatment of hormonal acne is to maintain a balance in your hormones.<\/p>\n

It’s all very well knowing what we have to do, but we also need to work out how to actually do it. And to do that, we need to understand why we’ve got a hormonal imbalance in the first place.<\/p>\n

Identify what’s causing your hormonal acne<\/h3>\n

As mentioned earlier, one cause is the menstrual cycle. If your acne outbreaks always take place around this time, then you can be pretty sure this is the cause.<\/p>\n

Other causes can be more difficult to pinpoint. You’ve got to honestly appraise your lifestyle and circumstances and ask yourself some questions.<\/p>\n

Are you stressed? Do you get enough exercise and sleep? Do you eat a healthy diet?<\/p>\n

Answering questions like these should help you identify the root cause of your hormonal acne. Then you can start to take the appropriate steps\u00a0to treat and prevent it.<\/p>\n

Tips to treat hormonal acne naturally<\/h3>\n

Here are a few tips on how you can treat hormonal acne naturally:<\/p>\n

Improve your diet<\/h4>\n

Make sure your diet includes enough essential fatty acids as these help to balance your hormones.<\/p>\n

And avoid high sugar junk foods. These cause spikes in your sugar levels which increase the stress on your body.<\/p>\n

So try and eat more organic low glycemic index foods such as whole wheat, muesli, pasta, lentils, sweet potatoes and so on.<\/p>\n


The more stressed you are, the more stress hormones your body produces, throwing your hormonal balance completely out of whack. And this, of course, results in you suffering from more acne. So try and stay calm and relaxed, and not get worked up.<\/p>\n

Aromatherapy and essential oils<\/a> can be of great benefit\u00a0when it comes to reducing stress. Other good ways of de-stressing include:<\/p>\n