This article on natural cures for skin tags, moles and warts is a guest post by Harvey Lee.
Skin tags
Skin tags are usually benign, non-cancerous skin outgrowths found on the neck, eyes, underarms, and genital areas. Although they are not medical emergencies, they can cause discomfort and self-esteem issues, and hence it’s a good idea to cure them.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has been medically used for centuries to fix all kinds of skin ailments, including skin tags. Thanks to its antibacterial and antibiotic properties, tea tree oil is undoubtedly an effective choice in curing skin tags.
Garlic is a fantastic herb for eliminating skin tags. Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties, garlic removes skin tags within weeks.
Vitamin E oil
If the pungent odour of garlic turns you off, then replace the garlic treatment with Vitamin E oil treatment. Vitamin E can be topically applied to the skin tags. Apply the liquid to the skin tags and cover it with a bandage. Within a few weeks of repeating this procedure, you will see your tag disappear.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is a strong anti-microbial known for killing viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi by successfully dissolving cellular walls. Every night before going to bed, apply coconut oil on your skin tags. Repeat this every night, for two to three weeks to see effective results.
Apple cider vinegar
Many of us love our apple cider vinegar in our salads; however, did you know that it can also be used for removing skin tags? Soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and apply it over the skin tags. Do this for a month for complete removal of skin tags.
Pineapple juice
This is perhaps one of the juiciest way to remove skin tags of all sizes. Apply pineapple juice every day at least twice or thrice. Repeat this for at least a week or until the skin tag is completely ripped off.
Nail polish
Who would have thought that a nail polish can even remove skin tags! But, a nail polish is indeed a good way to effectively remove skin tags. Cover the skin tag with nail polish, and allow it to dry. Follow this for 2-3 times a day for a few weeks to see positive results.
Banana peel
Cut a piece of banana peel and place the inside part of the peel over the skin tags. Now cover the skin tags with gauze, and allow it to stay overnight. Repeat this process daily until the skin tag falls off.
Tying off
Although this may sound to be an incredibly painful process, it isn’t. Take a thread or a dental floss and tie it a bit tightly around the skin tag. Cut the skin tag by using a scissor or a nail cutter. Once the tag is successfully removed, apply an antibacterial cream over the affected area.
Aloe vera juice
Many sufferers commonly rely on this particular remedy as it truly is a good way for removing skin tags of all sizes. Apply the Aloe Vera juice and massage it on the skin tags. Repeat this daily till you see the skin tag ripping off.
Oregano oil
Homemade oil of oregano is a fabulous way to remove skin tags. Oregano oil is composed of anti-fungal properties, which offers relief from skin tags. It is a good idea to dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil. Then, apply the diluted form directly to the skin tag three times a day to see beneficial results.
Usually moles are harmless, but they do cause a problem from an aesthetic point of view. Moreover, it is always better to confirm its seriousness from a qualified physician. Some of the natural ways to remove moles are:
Flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil is particularly beneficial for removing moles of all sizes. The oil softens the mole and loosens them around the edges. You can mix flaxseed oil with honey to make a paste. Apply the paste on the mole and leave it for an hour. Repeat this process three times a day for at least a week.
Onion juice
Due to its acidic properties, onion juice is extremely beneficial in removing moles and maintaining even skin tone. Extract onion juice and apply it on the mole with the help of a cotton swab. Allow it to stay for 30 minutes or more and then wash it off. Repeat this remedy twice or thrice a day for a month.
There are different types of warts that affect individuals, but they are easy to get rid of. Here’s how it is done.
Baking powder
Mix baking powder with castor oil to make a paste. Then, apply the paste to the wart at night, and cover it with a bandage. Repeat this process daily for a few weeks or till you see positive results.
Eat well
It is a good idea to boost your immune system by eating well. Warts are usually caused by a weaker immune system, which gives rise to viruses, and often leading to formation of warts. Therefore, you will see warts showing up when people feel tired and sick. Make sure you are eating well, in addition to getting good sleep and exercise. By improving your immune system, you are boosting your body’s ability to fight harmful viruses.
In conclusion!
Skin concerns such as skin tags, moles and warts are usually harmless and contain no danger; however, they are embarrassing and irritating. Fortunately, there are easy, safe and natural ways to get rid of them. The above mentioned natural remedies should help you get rid of your skin tags, moles, and warts effectively. Before employing these remedies, it is a good idea to visit a doctor to first establish your source of concern. Don’t just assume that what you have is skin tag. Confirm with a doctor that it indeed is a skin tag and only then follow these natural remedies.
About the author
Harvey Lee is a health and beauty blogger and works with various industry leading health and beauty product brands e.g. Tagband: UK’s leading brand for skin tag removal devices. He has an interest in building the knowledge and self-confidence of people who really want to improve their lives by following proper health guides and staying fit for life.
TagBand UK says
Nice article. Natural remedies are the best solutions for many skin problem. Apple cider vinegar and garlic can be used as a cure for almost all types of skin problem like skin tag, warts and moles etc. These can improve your skin and treat skin problems naturally.